14 January 2007

Sammy is getting an education

Before I left for Lith in November I was getting desperate about Sammy our dog. It seemed it was uncontrollably enthusiastic, jumping up against people (thus ruining three pairs of pants of mine), and territorial in the extreme, barking and gnarling at anybody passing our entrance. Taking the dog for a walk was impossible, as it would resist going any further than 50 meters from home.
But things have changed. Sammy is coming of age, and I managed to take him on a beautiful two-hour walk. He can't be trusted yet with passers-by, so i had to keep him on the leash much of the time. Once we were on the hill behind our home I let him off the leash for an hour or so. Here's a few pictures:

Furthermore, a view fro; the hillside over the river. On the other side is the Democratic republic of Congo.
Then one of the major achievements of Chinese development cooperation in this country is ....... a soccer stadium (the eyesore in the middle of the picture). Brand new, cost about 15 million USD, no money to pay for maintenance, no soccer league to speak of. An example of supply-driven assistance if ever there was one. Very few Africans were involved in its building, plus the project made cement prices rise sky-high in the country. But hey, no strings attached, which president would look such a gift horse in the mouth?


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