04 July 2006

Morale's up again

Morale’s up again. Still the occasional cramp, but it helps when you’re no longer spending significant parts of the days on a toilet or in bed feeling miserable and feverish. I’ll have some considerable catching up to do as regards studies, but it may make me a little more efficient as to digesting the materials: I’m trying to do it all perfectly, perhaps I should aim for just OK. By the way, I got my first assignment back, with an excellent mark ('Distinction'). Feels good.

Don’t worry about me. In spite of all the ranting recently I am fine. In my own way, I do enjoy the experience of working here. The things that happen are sometimes larger than life, and require considerable amounts of cynicism and black humour to cope with, but there’s never a dull moment, and that in itself is enough to keep me feeling privileged to do what I do.
This being said, it looks like the financial reform programme which I consider essential for anything else in this country, went up in smoke today, at least for the time being, due to incompetence in the Ministry.

I am still involved in a heavy debate through e-mail with perfidious Albion trying to wriggle its way out of the penalty clause (2 months rent) in the rental contract for our house. They are clearly uncomfortable with the fight I am putting up. Little by little things are moving, moving my way that is. Once we have a decision, I may publish some extracts from the correspondance. Either they pay up, or we go to court. Or, well, perhaps, nothing happens, they don’t pay penalties, I don’t sue. If push comes to shove, I actually don’t think I would really press the matter as far as going to court. I merely enjoy the verbal fight and the subtle psychological and diplomatic game.


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